Miss Fox

About Miss Fox
Before I was rescued I lived such a fearful life, I was treated so badly and even injured. One day a kind lady approached me and said “Hello pretty girl, I’ll take care of you now” she was speaking to me? I’m the pretty girl? I’d never been told that before.
I arrived with my rescue family and they said they will find me an adoptive home, I liked the sound of that! Off I went to my home but I quickly realised I didn’t like it much and wanted to be back with the kind ladies. They did try again with a friend but again I didn’t like it away from them and I suffer with a little PTSD you see so I have to be handled extremely carefully and can’t be spooked.
I’m now a full time Freedom Farm family member I worked my magic I knew they wouldn’t let me down. Well what can I say apart from it’s amazing!! I love love love living here and my family just get me, they know my quirks, what my cries mean, what I need when I need it and most importantly I feel safe with them, i never want to be far away from my mum and I’m so settled and happy. My absolute favourite things to eat are ham and chicken mum said I eat so much of it I may turn into a chicken. I doubt that will happen though, silly ma!